I. GreetingEvery our meet with other, we better give the greeting. Greeting add more relationship.
Ohayô goxaimasu ==> Good morning
Konnichiwa ==> Good afternoon/evening
Oyasuminasai ==> Good night
Moshimoshi! ==> Hello, hello!
Ikaga desu ka? ==> How are you?
Watashi wa Sensei desu ka? ==> I am teacher
Anata wa gaijin desu ka? ==> Are you a tourism?
Hai, sô desu ==> Yes, I do
Lie, chigaimasu ==> No, I don’t
II. Structure- We have to enhance particle wa after subject of sentence.
- If that sentence without vb. ( for example: cigarette - suu, drink - nomu, eat - taberu), so we enhance the auxiliary verb desu for positive sentence and dewa arimasen for the negative
- We put the assistive word ask ka in the end of sentence, if the sentence is interrogative sentence.
III. ConversationA. Konichiwa. Ikaga desu ka?
(Good afternoon. How are you?)
B. Arigatô gozaimasu. Genki desu. Anata wa?
(Thank you. I am fine and you?)
A. Genki desu.
(I’m fine)
B. Kimi wa Imada-kun desu ka?
(Are you Mr. Imada?)
A. Hai, sô desu.
(Yes, I am)
B. Okusan wa Sensei desu ka?
(Is your wife teacher?)
A. Lie, sô dewa arimasen.
(No, is not)
B. Dewa, ano hito wa Sensei desu ka?
(By the way, is he teacher?)
A. Lie, kare wa tomodachi de, Suroto-kun desu.
(No, he is not. He is Mr. Suroto, my friends)
* Word -san used to call a person and means sir, Mister, lady, you.
* -san used generally to superior or one who assumed higher the domicile.
* -kun used to subordinate, friend or one who assumed lower the domicile.